When we make decisions in life, we tend to think that we are making wise, rational choices. But this is often not the case. On the contrary, irrationality is the instinct of human beings, and it is the recessive power that truly dominates human behaviors and decision-makings. However, these irrational behaviors are neither random nor meaningless. Instead, they are systematic, predictable and controllable.
predictably irrational mobi
4) Behavioral Economics. Firms talk about their special strengths. Every entrepreneur who is seeking to succeed with users needs to be ensconced in the literature of behavioral economics. It is that understanding that permits you to develop really cool solutions for the predictably irrational, as opposed to making something that works for you and a dozen or so "young invincibles".
Blends everyday experiences with a series of illuminating and often surprising experiments, trying to discover why intelligent, rational people make irrational choices every day. Will appeal to the same market as "Freakonomics", "Blink" and "The Tipping Point".
And it gets even more irrational! Player A receives the chance to extract $2 from player B for each dollar spent whenever the latter doesn't share any amount. Player A would almost always spend $25 so that player B is left with nothing.