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How To Smoke Crack With Ashes

This study aimed to evaluate maternal toxicity, teratogenic, and placental oxidative effects resulting from the exposure of rats to crack cocaine smoke during pregnancy. Pregnant rats were exposed either to the smoke of crack and ashes (Crack) or to the smoke of ashes alone, nonexposed or pair-fed with the Crack group. Crack group was exposed to the smoke resulting from the burning of 250 mg of crack for 10 min, twice a day, from 7 days prior to mating until cesarian on gestational day 20. Placental oxidative stress and classical parameters of maternal and fetal evaluation were studied, in addition to the morphometric analysis of the fetal metamers. Even in the absence of changes in body weight gain and feed intake, crack altered the reproductive performance of dams. Exposure to the drug promoted late closure of the fetal fontanel. Furthermore, the morphometric study of the brain mass (BM)/skull cap ratio revealed a decrease in the BM of the fetuses exposed to the drug. Exposure to crack has an oxidative potential in fetal development, since exposure to the drug promoted placental lipid peroxidation. Our study showed that daily exposure to crack, even in lower frequency than that performed by users, has a teratogenic potential.

If you are advised to stay indoors, take steps to keep indoor air as clean as possible. Keep your windows and doors closed - unless it's extremely hot outside. Run your air conditioner, if you have one. Keep the filter clean to prevent bringing additional smoke inside. Open windows to air out the house when air quality improves. Note: If you don't have an air conditioner, staying inside with the windows closed may be dangerous in extremely hot weather. In these cases, seek alternative shelter, such as with relatives or a cleaner air shelter.

How To Smoke Crack With Ashes

His bandmate EDI Mean added: "I came up with that s**t. If you listen to 'Black Jesus', he said, 'Last wishes, n****s smoke my ashes.' That was a request that he had. Now, how serious he was about it? We took it serious."

E.D.I. recently appeared on VladTV for an interview posted on Saturday (June 20), in which the Outlawz rhymer dove deep into the origin surrounding the event. Many people believe the act was done by the group to honor a line 'Pac had in the song "Black Jesus," where he rhymes, "We die clutchin' glasses, filled with liquor bombastic/Cremated, last wish is niggas smoke my ashes." However, according to E.D.I, it was much deeper than that.

Fires start in many ways, but wildfires are the most common occurrences. The heat dries everything on the ground during the fire season, leading to very flammable materials just resting in the forest. Prolonged exposure to the sun, combined with high winds can spontaneously cause fires to break out and rage for days. Those who reside near wildfire-prone areas often suffer residual effects from them, including smoke and ash damage to their property, soot damage to their lawns, and cinder damage to their roofs.

Also, pipes used to smoke cocaine tend to be small and harder to hold, leading to burns on the fingers and hand. Since cocaine is a numbing agent, a person may continue burning themselves without feeling it until later.

Wastewater networks may sustain damage similar to water supply networks. It is very difficult to exclude ash from the sewerage system. Systems with combined storm water/sewer lines are most at risk. Ash will enter sewer lines where there is inflow/infiltration by stormwater through illegal connections (e.g., from roof downpipes), cross connections, around manhole covers or through holes and cracks in sewer pipes.[63][64]

You can also clean directly with wood ashes, without actually turning them into soap. At least a dozen readers have sent me notes saying that wood ash is the standard way for washing dishes in their countries all across Africa, India, and Southeast Asia.

I was all fired up to put wood ash leavening to the test, but then I found a site called Homestead Laboratory that had already done extensive experiments leavening biscuits with wood ashes and wood ash water. In the end, they made some pretty good-looking wood ash-leavened biscuits.

Whatever we extract from wood ashes must be there to begin with. Wood ashes are a complex heterogeneous mixture of all the non-flammable, non-volatile minerals which remain after the wood and charcoal have burned away. Because of the presence of carbon dioxide in the fire gases, many of these minerals will have been converted to carbonates. Burned soil may also be present. So the ashes probably contain predominately sodium and potassium carbonate, sodium and potassium chloride, silica, and calcium carbonate.

According to Dress and the Roman Woman, a dark eyeshadow called Kohl was made by mixing ashes with other darkening agents, along with a bit of saffron to improve the smell. The powder was then applied with a dampened or oiled stick.

We are truck drivers. We always carry a tin of wood ashes with us. They have gotten us out of trouble several times. We use them if we are stuck on an icy patch after waiting for wrecks to be cleared. My husband will put the truck in granny gear and I walk beside the drive tires and throw a handful of ashes under the tires. The ash acts like course sandpaper. Usually it only takes a few feet of rolling to get us out if the situation. When we run out of ashes we stop at cracker barrel and the will let us have some of theirs.

I use wood ashes for tanning and removing hair. After preparing/fleshing hide, I rub a paste of wood ashes into hair side then roll it up, hair to inside, that gets put into a 5 gallon bucket of water mixed with wood ashes and alum powder, after about 3 or 4 days I remove it from bucket and use the blunt end of a knife to scrape off hair, it comes off easy. The leather can be stretched now or used like rawhide , shoelaces could be made this way. I cut it into strips while wet and wrapped the bow on my dogsled to reinforce it. It shrinks on as it dries and becomes hard.

Always treat your fireplace ashes as if they could still be hot. Remove them from the firebox using a metal shovel and place them inside a metal ash bucket. If your plan to keep the ashes in your house, the bucket should be closed with a firm-fitting metal lid, or place them in the garage or a well ventilated space. If combustion is still taking place, the ashes can emit carbon dioxide, which can pose a real danger inside your home.

People who smoke crack cocaine experience a wide variety of health-related issues. However, public health programming designed for this population is limited, particularly in comparison with programming for people who inject drugs. Canadian best practice recommendations encourage needle and syringe programs (NSPs) to provide education about safer crack cocaine smoking practices, distribute safer smoking equipment, and provide options for safer disposal of used equipment.

We conducted an online survey of NSP managers across Canada to estimate the proportions of NSPs that provide education and distribute safer smoking equipment to people who smoke crack cocaine. We also assessed change in pipe distribution practices between 2008 and 2015 in the province of Ontario.

Analysis of data from 80 programs showed that the majority (0.76) provided education to clients on reducing risks associated with sharing crack cocaine smoking equipment and about when to replace smoking equipment (0.78). The majority (0.64) also distributed safer crack cocaine smoking equipment and over half of these programs (0.55) had done so for less than 5 years. Among programs that distributed pipes, 0.92 distributed the recommended heat-resistant Pyrex and/or borosilicate glass pipes. Only 0.50 of our full sample reported that their program provides clients with containers for safer disposal of used smoking equipment. The most common reasons for not distributing safer smoking equipment were not enough funding (0.32) and lack of client demand (0.25). Ontario-specific sub-analyses showed a significant increase in the proportion of programs distributing pipes in Ontario from 0.15 (2008) to 0.71 (2015).

Our findings point to important efforts by Canadian NSPs to reduce harm among people who smoke crack cocaine through provision of education and equipment, but there are still limits that could be addressed. Our study can provide guidance for future cross-jurisdiction studies to describe relationships involving harm reduction programs and provision of safer crack cocaine smoking education and equipment.

As part of a national-in-scope evaluation of NSP practices and policies, the first of its kind that we are aware of in Canada, we conducted a survey of program managers to estimate the proportions of NSPs providing education and distributing safer smoking equipment to people who smoke crack cocaine. For the province of Ontario, we used previously collected survey data [25] to assess if there had been a change in the distribution of safer smoking equipment over time.

Participants were asked questions (in Yes/No, multiple choice, Likert scale, and open-ended formats) about their program characteristics, distribution of harm reduction materials, including safer crack cocaine smoking equipment, and other key topics identified in the best practice recommendations [27, 30]. The questionnaire was developed for an online platform, FluidSurveys, and was offered in English and French. Please see Additional file 1 that contains English online survey text that is relevant to the findings we report in this article. Before launching data collection, we pilot tested the online survey with five program managers from different provinces and modified some questions as per their feedback. The University of Toronto Research Ethics Board (REB) approved this study. 2ff7e9595c

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