"RICOH THETA for Windows/Mac" version 2.3.4, released on April 27, cannot be installed since May 2. We have replaced version 2.3.4 with version 2.3.3 on the download site.If you have been installed version 2.3.4 successfully, you can use it without problem.
Download ["gnuradio-3.3.0-rc0.tar.gz] (from or ) to a convenient directory. Note that this directory must not contain spaces in its name. From an MSYS shell, unpack the downloaded file and begin the installation with the commands:
Driver Navigator 3.3.0 Full Download
Download: https://miimms.com/2vIfhe
Now UHD should be installed under /usr/local/Download image files from _releases/master_images/Unzip and put all images under /usr/local/share/uhd/images/[You could try to set environment variable UHD_IMAGE_PATH=/usr/local/share/uhd/images in case UHD cannot find the images]For USRP1, download erllc_uhd_winusb_driver.zip from _drivers/ and unzip.Plug in usrp1 and install the driver 'Ettus Research LLC USRP1'Now you can run uhd_find_devices and uhd_usrp_probe to verify the installation. Make sure the Device Manager shows correct driver for the USRP before and after firmware loading. Particularly, if you installed other usrp drivers before, you need to update the driver twice, before and after firmware loading. 2ff7e9595c